Thursday, September 13, 2012

Why Treadmills are Dangerous

So a couple weeks ago I began training for another half marathon. Crazy, I know. I get ambitious and think I can handle it and forget what a dedication it takes to train for 3 months. I just know how rewarding it is at the end of the race to know how hard you trained for it and to see the benefits of it. I'm not trying to win anything, but I love to challenge myself.

This week, as I've said before, we are kid/house sitting and so my schedule is completely off. I am now running at 4pm and if you've been outside this week at all, you'll know it has not been running weather at any point of the day, and even worse in the afternoons. Tuesday I thought I was going to die after my run. I laid on the ground under a fan for a good 10 minutes and Kai licked me all over thinking I was a gonner.

To solve my hot-weather-not-good-running-weather I decided I would suck it up and run on a treadmill. I've been anti-treadmills for quite some time because I don't think they translate well to the streets, I don't love the gym-vibe, and I prefer to run outside. I get board on treadmills but even worse, I get too competitive with myself. I start off at a good pace, but then keep pressing the up button on the speed because I want to go faster and faster and then all of a sudden the whole section of people running are staring at me. Why I do this to myself I will never know. I was supposed to run 4 miles yesterday and this is what happened:

The last mile I pressed the speed button every tenth of a mile and the last tenth of a mile I was going at a 10. Now, some may argue this is good for me because I am pressing myself, which I would agree but I'm not sure this is the best thing for me.

To being too competitive,

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